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Curry Mallet Church of England VC Primary School

Learning Zone

Class 3

Mrs Poulton welcomes you to Class 3!

Class 3 currently consists of Years 4, 5 and 6. The children are all very friendly and display strong Christian values; working well together and offering support and encouragement to their classmates. They rise well to the school’s expectation of being super role models for the younger children across the school.

My name is Mrs Poulton and I am Class 3’s teacher. This is my sixth year of teaching at Curry Mallet Church of England Primary School! I enjoy teaching all subjects but art and science must top my list of favourites!

We are assisted in the classroom by Mrs Kim Sparks who supports our learning by taking groups in Maths and English. Additionally, we offer further support to individuals or smaller groups of the children in the afternoons.
Together, we make a great team!

We welcome parental involvement, so if you have any questions, offers of help or special skills to share with us, we would love to see you.


The expectation for homework in Class 3 is that your child reads at least five times a week (some of which to an adult) and records this in their Reading Log. Spelling homework is to practise the words on the Year 3/4 and 5/6 Statutory Word Lists and sometimes words are set to practice at other times too. Maths homework is to practise multiplication and division facts on Timestables Rock Stars and to complete the weekly MyMaths tasks. Log in details  are in the front of your child's Reading Log. A creative home learning challenge is set at the beginning of each term; details of which can be found on the Class Curriculum Map (which can be found at the bottom of this page). 

At certain times of the year, Year 6 homework expectations will include additional work focusing on reading comprehension, maths and SPAG - books will be sent home at the appropriate time.

Spring Term 2025 Curriculum Map 


Autumn Term 2024 Curriculum Map 


Summer Term 2024 Curriculum Map 


Autumn Term 2024


This term, we have studied the work of Victorian artist: William Morris. We have identified themes within his work and have noticed that his fabric prints and wall paper designs often contained repeated patterns of fruit, animals and leaves. We have experimented with printing inks and have designed our own blocks and used rollers to create our own William Morris inspired designs! Some of us were even able to print with more than one colour!

Class 3 Block Printing

Class 3 Block Printing

  Class 3 Block Printing












We have designed and constructed our very own Victorian Dolls' House. We worked in groups to design and construct different rooms which then fitted together to make one big collaborative piece of work. We had to work on lots of skills such as: measuring, sawing, fabric cutting, joining, printing and lots of problem solving. Class 3 was a true hive of activity and we have proved ourselves to be a very creative bunch!

Using a hot glue gun.

Using a junior hacksaw.


Printing brick work.

Finished Victorian Dolls' House










We have been working hard in Class 3 learning all about the Victorian Era and in particular what it would have been like to live as a child in those times. So far, we have have focused on how the country became increasingly more industrialised and both the benefits and hardships that this brought on. We have investigated how life could easily turn for the worst and how whole families would have fared if they had gone to live in the dreaded Workhouse. 

We have also been shocked to discover that children had to go to work for MANY hours a day in order to help earn money for their family. We took part in role-play at Coldharbour Mill as if we were Victorian children looking for work in the mill. 'Mr. Robson' - the mill foreman - certainly put us through our paces!Class 3 dressed as Victorian children.


Meeting Mr. Robson, the Foreman  and Annie, the Mill Worker.


We learnt how the Mill worked.
We learned about the different machines in the spinning process.


We have enjoyed learning about forces this term and have discovered that they are pushes and pulls. We have been busy using our investigative skills to find out more about them.                                                               


                                                             Testing parachutes.

   Which shape is more streamlined in water?




















We have really been enjoying our ukulele lessons with Miss Williams!


Learning to play the ukulele.



Spring/Summer Term 2024

Materials and their properties in science



  Separating mixtures



Separating mixtures



Oil pastel drawings linking to our English text: The Adventures of Odysseus

Oil pastel drawing of Penelope at her loom Oil pastel of Odysseus sailing tempestuous seas











Oil pastel drawing of Zeus

 Oil pastel drawing of Odysseus











Class 3 Spring Term 2024

The children have been really enjoying our history project which is about what life was like on the Home Front in WWII. Earlier this term, we spent a day at The Rural Life Museum in Glastonbury and discovered what life was like for children evacuated to Abbey Farm in World War II. The children were amazed to discover that even though city children were coming to Somerset to escape the dangers of Hitler’s bombs in the Blitz, they still had to be prepared to huddle for safety in the cellars of the farm; as German planes still dropped bombs on Glastonbury in the hope of destroying the old railway station there and so causing disruption to our transport system.


Being an evacuee for a day

 We have also begun our make-do-and-mend teddy bear making project! We have looked at the purpose of teddies, who they are intended for, designed our own bear to make and selected fabric sample swatches. We have learnt about how to pin out patterns and cut fabric. We have battled with learning to thread needles, practiced different stitches and are now about to start sewing our pieces together. Some of us might even be planning to create war-time clothing for our bears and evacuation accessories!

Pinning out a pattern

Sewing fabric layers togetherFinished make-do-and-mend teddy bears

Make-do-and-mend wartime teddy bear 1

Make-do-and-mend wartime bear 2

Make-do-and-mend wartime teddy bear 3

 We have thoroughly enjoyed our English text for the term: Carries’s War by Nina Bawden and produced a variety of different types writing from the point of view of the different characters. We are currently linking our learning up by writing our own evacuation stories.

 Class 3 have also been very busy rehearsing all of the songs for Wellington School’s Come and Sing which is to be held at the end of term. The children sound absolutely fabulous and cannot wait to perform!

Class 3 Autumn 2023 Update!

The children have really enjoyed learning about electrical circuits this term. They are able to construct circuits, test and correct faults, record their circuits using correct circuit symbols and understand which materials act as conductors or insulators. Some of the children are even able to offer quite complex explanations as to how a material is constructed of atoms and that free electrons are required in order to allow electrical current to pass through it and allow it to conduct electricity.

Constructing a circuit.

Constructing a simple circuit.

 We have also thoroughly enjoyed researching about ancient Egypt this term. Our EnSecrets of a Sun King English Displayglish lessons have been linked to the book, 'Secrets of a Sun King' by Emma Carroll and we have already produced a great range of writing inspired by the characters and the plot!

 As part of our learning, we have enquired as to why ancient Egyptians valued sculptures so much. We have also noticed that a lot of sculptures are in the form of animals and have discovered that  ancient Egyptians believed that many of their gods and goddesses would revisit Earth in the form of an animal. 

We chose to deepen our understanding about Bastet - the cat goddess - who protected motherhood and families. After looking at examples of museum artefacts linked to Bastet, we decided to sculpt our own statues of her using mod-roc! 

It has taken us a while, as we first had to consider the proportion of her body parts before construction began. We are all very proud of our models of Bastet!

Here are some photographs of the different stages of our work!
Sketching Bastet

Sculpting Sculpting  


Sculpting with mod-roc






Finished Bastet sculptures