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Curry Mallet Church of England VC Primary School

Learning Zone


Curriculum Overview

Our curriculum approach to music reflects our vision and values statement:

‘We live life in all its fullness’


Our aim is for all children to enjoy listening to a diverse range of high quality music (recorded and also live, wherever possible) and appreciate the differences in styles of music and sounds made by a variety of instruments. We want them to experience the joy of learning how to play a musical    instrument and have the opportunity to sing regularly, as well as play instruments together. We endeavour to offer extended opportunities for those pupils who wish to continue learning a musical   instrument and also provide an opportunity at least once in their Primary school years to visit a theatre and experience a live production.


In KS2 specialist music teaching to include wider opportunities musical tuition for at least two year  groups. In KS1 pupils will have many opportunities to sing together linking with other curriculum activities too. All children to be involved in a whole school Christmas production to ensure  performance opportunities.


Children will enjoy singing, listening to and playing music. Some children will be able to play a musical instrument at grade standard. Children will have opportunities to and be able to demonstrate their creativity using their      musical skills at school/community events.


We follow the NC with music lessons focused on children making music and experiencing a wide-range of musical genres, understanding some of the history and culture, associated with music and composers. For KS2 we offer specialist music teaching with at least one class with support from a specialist music teacher from Somerset Music. The school website has links to our yearly overview planning, which shows the music taught for each class throughout each term.  This helps us     plan and ensure progression with lessons increasing in depth of understanding and range of knowledge throughout the primary years.

Knowledge and skills progression through the school

At Curry Mallet, music skills and knowledge will be developed through each phase of learning by building on previous levels of understanding. Our curriculum is built on a two or three year rolling program dependent on class structure each year. Objectives detailed below:

In KS1 this will involve pupils:

  • Using their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes
  • Playing tuned and untuned instruments musically
  • Listening with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded  music

Experimenting with, creating and selecting as well as combining sounds using the interrelated dimensions of music

In KS2 knowledge and skills will be further developed to involve:

  • Learning to play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression
  • Improvising and composing music for a range of purposes using the interrelated dimensions of music
  • Listening with attention to detail and recalling sounds with increasing aural memory
  • Using and understanding staff and other musical notations
  • Appreciating and understanding a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians
  • Developing an understanding of the history of music


Lessons will rarely require written notes. Written music will be completed collaboratively. Ongoing teacher assessment and music specialist will contribute to assessments.


Leaders of Learning will work collaboratively to monitor and analyse the impact of music across the school. Learning walks and hearing pupil voice will be key to monitoring what has gone well, as well as any lessons learned. 


October 2025

Music Rolling Program 2024-2025
