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Curry Mallet Church of England VC Primary School

Learning Zone

Curriculum Subject Leadership

At Curry Mallet every class teacher has the role of Leader of Learning and as such we collaboratively take responsibility for many foundation subjects and work together to ensure the development of every aspect of the curriculum throughout the school.

All Leaders of Learning have worked hard to develop and implement our unique curriculum. The teachers and staff plan and review the curriculum to ensure key concepts and skills have been taught.

Curriculum intent, implementation and impact continuously guide our role as Leaders of Learning across our curriculum.

Core subjects have an individual subject lead

  • English: Mrs E. Leighton
  • Mathematics: Mrs N Poulton
  • Science: Mrs N Poulton

Subjects with a designated subject lead

  • Reading: Mrs E. Leighton
  • PE: Mrs E. Leighton
  • Phonics: Mrs E. Leighton
  • Religious Education: Mrs E. Leighton
  • EYFS: Mrs E. Leighton
  • Forest School: Mrs E. Leighton
  • Art & Design: Mrs A. Hart

Collaborative subject leadership

  • Computing: All Leaders of Learning
  • Design Technology: All Leaders of Learning
  • Geography: All Leaders of Learning
  • History: All Leaders of Learning
  • MFL(French): All Leaders of Learning
  • Music: All Leaders of Learning
  • PSHE: All Leaders of Learning