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Curry Mallet Church of England VC Primary School

Learning Zone


Our curriculum approach to English reflects our ethos statement ‘We live life in all its
fullness’. We are keen for pupils to discover the richness of the English language to develop
a life-long love of reading and be able to communicate well.


For all children will develop a love of literature, enjoying reading for pleasure, as well as having a keen interest in finding information from a range of texts. For all children to be able to confidently communicate their knowledge, ideas and emotions through their writing and use of the spoken word. At Curry Mallet we want children to acquire a wide vocabulary and be able to write and speak clearly, accurately and coherently, being able to adapt their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. Our aim is to provide a curriculum which is sequenced to develop the acquisition of knowledge and skills. English is a core subject of the National Curriculum and a prerequisite for educational and social progress as it underpins the work undertaken in all areas of the curriculum. The acquisition of language skills is of the upmost importance to us and therefore the teaching of all aspects English is given a high priority within school. Confidence in basic language skills enables children to communicate creatively and imaginatively, preparing them for their future journey through education and beyond.


English is taught as a whole class lesson daily and is planned from a variety of carefully chosen quality texts, both fiction and non-fiction, in order to engage and inspire the children. Texts are often linked to our whole school projects. All teachers immerse the children within a text, reading, analysing and discussing key elements before beginning to use the text as a focus for their own writing. Support materials such as interactive displays and word banks enable the children to develop understanding of the different genres and widen their vocabulary. 

Spelling: In Reception and Year 1 the Letters and Sounds Phonics programme is followed.
Reception children learn phase 2,3 and 4 whilst Year 1 learn phase 4 (revision) and Phase 5. In Year 2 children study Phase 6 and then move onto the Westover Green spelling programme. Years 3-6 follow the Westover Green spelling scheme with some children accessing a high frequency word intervention group. Additional spelling resources such as Spellzone and SMART notes from Somerset Literacy Network are also used. Spellings are taught according to the rules and focus for these lessons is primarily on exploring the spelling pattern and analysing the exceptions. Children are given spellings from the Westover Green programme and the statutory spelling lists to learn each week and are tested on these words the following week.

Grammar and Punctuation: Grammar objectives are identified and explored through the quality texts teachers use as their focus. Discrete grammar and punctuation lessons are also taught planned and taught. 


Children read widely and develop a wide vocabulary and use this within their writing and
speaking. They will enjoy writing across a range of genres and understand the purpose and
audience for their work. The children will leave Curry Mallet being able to effectively apply
spelling rules and patterns that have been taught. They will have a good understanding of
grammar conventions. The children will become competent and confident in presenting their
ideas to others through debates and formal presentations.


In KS1 and lower KS2 the Talk4Writing programme is used and follows the immersion, imitation, invention approach whilst in upper KS2 a programme of study is developed using real books and text to capitalise on the highest quality language, reading and writing. A curriculum map is published on the school website each term documenting the English objectives to be covered. 

Knowledge and skills progression through the school

At Curry Mallet, English skills and knowledge will be developed through each phase of learning by building on previous levels of understanding.

In KS1 pupils will:


Year 1

  • Sit correctly at a table, holding a pencil comfortably and correctly.
  • Begin to form lower-case letters in the correct direction, starting and finishing in the right
    place. [‘c’ shapes start at top and are made anti-clockwise, no letter starts at the
  • In Year 1 children are encouraged to use pre-cursive script with all the letters starting on
    the line and then following the same formation for printed letters (except for f). Start
    using some of the diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join letters and understand
    which letters, when adjacent to one another, are best left unjoined.
  • Form capital letters
  • Form digits 0-9
  • Understand which letters belong to which handwriting ‘families’ (i.e. letters that are
    formed in similar ways) and to practise these.
  • Saying out loud what they are going to write about.Composing a sentence orally before writing it.
  • Sequencing sentences to form short narratives.
  • Re-reading what they have written to check that it makes sense.
  • Discuss what they have written with the teacher or other pupils.
  • Read aloud their writing clearly enough to be heard by their peers and the teacher.

Year 2

  • Form lower-case letters of the correct size relative to one another.
  • Start using some of the diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join letters
    and understand which letters, when adjacent to one another, are best left
  • Write capital letters and digits of the correct size, orientation and relationship to
    one another and to lower case letters.Use spacing between words that reflects the size of the letters.Writing narratives about personal experiences and those of others (real and fictional).
  • Writing about real events.
  • Writing poetry.
  • Writing for different purposes.
  • Planning or saying out loud what they are going to write about.
  • Writing down ideas and/or key words, including new vocabulary.
  • Encapsulating what they want to say, sentence by sentence.
  • Evaluating their writing with the teacher and other pupils.
  • Re-reading to check that their writing makes sense and that verbs to indicate time
    are used correctly and consistently, including verbs in the continuous form.
  • Proof-reading to check for errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation [for
    example, ends of sentences punctuated correctly].
  • Read aloud what they have written with appropriate intonation to make the meaning clear.

Year 3/4

  • Use the diagonal and horizontal strokes that are needed to join letters and understandwhich letters, when adjacent to one another, are best left unjoined.
  • Increase the legibility, consistency and quality of their handwriting for example, by ensuring that the downstrokes of letters are parallel and equidistant; that lines of writing are spaced sufficiently so that the ascenders and descenders of letters do not touch.
  • Discussing writing similar to that which they are planning to write in order to understand and learn from its structure, vocabulary and grammar.
  • Discussing and recording ideas.
  • Composing and rehearsing sentences orally (including dialogue), progressively building a varied and rich vocabulary and an increasing range of sentence structures (English Appendix 2).
  • Organising paragraphs around a theme.
  • In narratives, creating settings, characters and plot.
  • In non-narrative material, using simple organisational devices [for example,headings and sub- headings].
  • Assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing and suggesting improvements.
  • Proposing changes to grammar and vocabulary to improve consistency, including the accurate use of pronouns in sentences.
  • Proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors.
  • Read aloud their own writing, to a group or the whole class, using appropriate intonation and controlling the tone and volume so that the meaning is clear.

Year 5/6

  • Choosing which shape of a letter to use when given choices and deciding whether or not to join specific letters. 
  • Choosing the writing implement that is best suited for a task.#
  • Identifying the audience for and purpose of the writing, selecting the appropriate form and using other similar writing as models for their own composition.
  • Noting and developing initial ideas, drawing on reading and research where necessary.
  • Using a wide range of devices to build cohesion within and across paragraphs.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing.
  • Proof reading for spelling and punctuation errors.
  • Perform their own compositions, using appropriate intonation, volume and movement so that meaning is clear.
  • In writing narratives, considering how authors have developed characters and settings in what pupils have read, listened to or seen performed.
  • Selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary, understanding how such choices can change and enhance meaning. 
  • In narratives describing settings, characters and atmosphere, integrating dialogue to convey character and advance the action;
  • Precising longer passages.
  • Using further organisational and presentational devices to structure text and to guide the reader (for example, headings, statements and underlining). 
  • Proposing changes to Vocabulary, Grammar & Punctuation to enhance effects and clarify meaning.
  • Ensuring the consistent and correct use of tense throughout a piece of writing. 
  • Ensuring correct subject and verb agreement when using singular and plural, distinguishing between the language of speech and writing and choosing the appropriate register.
  • In writing narratives, considering how authors have developed characters and settings in what pupils have read, listened to or seen performed.

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar:

Year 1

  • Words containing each of the 40+ phonemes already taught.
  • Common exception words.
  • The days of the week.
  • Naming the letters of the alphabet in order.
  • Using letter names to distinguish between alternative spellings of the same sound.
  • Using the spelling rule for adding –s or –es as the plural marker for nouns and the third person singular marker for verbs.
  • Using the prefix un–.
  • Using –ing, –ed, –er and –est where no change is needed in the spelling of root words [for example, helping, helped, helper, eating, quicker, quickest].
  • Apply simple spelling rules and guidance, as listed in English Appendix 1.
  • Write from memory simple sentences dictated by the teacher that include words using the GPCs and common exception words taught so far.
  • Regular plural noun suffixes –s or –es (eg, dog, dogs; wish, wishes), including the effects of these suffixes on the meaning of the noun.
  • Suffixes that can be added to verbs where no change is needed in the spelling of root words (eg, helping, helped, helper).
  • How the prefix un– changes the meaning of verbs and adjectives (negation, eg, unkind,
    or undoing, eg, untie the boat).
  • How words can combine to make sentences.
  • Joining words and joining clauses using and.
  • Sequencing sentences to form short narratives.
  • Separation of words with spaces.
  • Introduction to capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to demarcate sentences.
  • Using a capital letter for names of people, places, the days of the week, and the personal pronoun 'I.'
  • Use the grammatical terminology in English Appendix 2 in discussing their writing
    (letter, capital letter, word, singular, plural, sentence, punctuation, full stop, question mark, exclamation mark).

Year 2

  • segmenting words into phonemes and representing these by graphemes, spelling
    many correctly. 
  • Learning new ways of spelling phonemes for which one or more spellings are already known, and learn some words with each spelling, including a few common homophones.
  • Learning to spell common exception words.
  • Learning to spell more words with contracted forms.
  • Learning the possessive apostrophe (singular) [for example, the girl’s book].
  • Add suffixes to spell longer words, including –ment, –ness, –ful, –less, –ly.
  • Apply spelling rules and guidance, as listed in English Appendix 1.
  • Write from memory simple sentences dictated by the teacher that include words using the GPCs, common exception words and punctuationtaught so far. 
  • Distinguishing between homophones and near-homophones.
  • Formation of adjectives using suffixes such as –ful, –less.
  • Use of the suffixes –er, –est in adjectives and –ly to turn adjectives into adverbs.
  • Subordination (using when, if, that, because) and co-ordination (using or, and, but).
  • Expanded noun phrases for description and specification (eg, the blue butterfly, plain flour, the man in the moon).
  • How the grammatical patterns in a sentence indicate its function as a statement, question, exclamation or command. 
  • Correct choice and consistent use of present tense and past tense throughout writing.
  • Use of the progressive form of verbs in the present and past tense to mark actions in
    progress (eg, she is drumming, he was shouting).
  • Use of capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to demarcate sentences.
  • Commas to separate items in a list.
  • Apostrophes to mark where letters are missing in spelling and to mark singular possession in nouns (e.e. the girl's name).
  • Use and understand the grammatical terminology in English Appendix 2 in
    discussing their writing (noun, noun phrase, statement, question, exclamation, command, compound, adjective, verb, suffix, tense (past, present), apostrophe, comma).
  • Formation of nouns using suffixes such as -ness, -er and by compounding (e.g., whiteboard, superman).

Year 3/4

  • Use further prefixes and suffixes and understand how to add them (English Appendix 1 (Year 3/4))
  • Spell further homophones.
  • Spell words that are often misspelt (English Appendix 1 (Year 3/4)).
  • Place the possessive apostrophe accurately in words with regular plurals [for example, girls’, boys’] and in words with irregular plurals [for example, children’s].
  • Use the first two or three letters of a word to check its spelling in a dictionary.
  • Write from memory simple sentences, dictated by the teacher, that include words and punctuation taught so far of words in context.
  • Use of the forms 'a' or 'an' according to whether the next word begins with a consonant or avowel (eg, a rock, an open box).
  • Word families based on common words, showing how words are related in form and meaning (eg, solve, solution, solver, dissolve, insoluble). 
  • Expressing time, place and cause using conjunctions (eg, when, before, after, while, so, because), adverbs (eg, then, next, soon, therefore), orprepositions (eg, before, after, during, in, because of).
  • Introduction to inverted commas to punctuate direct speech.
  • Introduction to paragraphs as a way to group related material.
  • Headings and sub-headings to aid presentation.
  • Use of the present perfect form of verbs instead of the simple past (eg, He has gone out toplay contrasted with He went out to play)
  • Use and understand the grammatical terminology in English Appendix 2 (Year 3) accurately and appropriately when discussing their writing and reading (adverb, preposition conjunction, word family, prefix, clause, subordinate clause, direct speech, consonant, consonant letter vowel, vowelletter, inverted commas (or ‘speech marks’)).
  • Formation of nouns using a range of prefixes such as super-, anti-, auto-
  • The grammatical difference between plural and possessive –s.
  • Standard English forms for verb inflections instead of local spoken forms (eg, we were instead of we was, or I did instead of I done).
  • Noun phrases expanded by the addition of modifying adjectives, nouns and preposition phrases (eg, the teacher expanded to: the strict maths teacher with curly hair).
  • Fronted adverbials (eg, Later that day, I heard the bad news.).
  • Use of paragraphs to organise ideas around a theme.
  • Appropriate choice of pronoun or noun within and across sentences to aid cohesion and avoid repetition.
  • Use of inverted commas and other punctuation to indicate direct speech eg, a comma after the reporting clause; end punctuation withininverted commas (eg, The conductor shouted, “Sit down!”).
  • Apostrophes to mark singular and plural possession (eg, the girl’s name, the girls’ names).
  • Use of commas after fronted adverbials.
  • Use and understand the grammatical terminology in English Appendix 2 (Year 4) accurately and appropriately when discussing writing and reading (determiner, pronoun, possessive pronoun, adverbial).

Year 5/6

  • Use a thesaurus.
  • Use the first three or four letters of a word to check spelling, meaning or both in a dictionary.
  • Use dictionaries to check the spelling and meaning of words.
  • Continue to distinguish between homophones and other words which are often confuse
  • Use further prefixes and suffixes and understand the guidance for adding them.
  • Spell some words with ‘silent’ letters [for example, knight, psalm, solemn].
  • Use knowledge of morphology and etymology in spelling and understand that the spelling of some words needs to be learnt specifically, as listed in English Appendix 1(Years 6).
  • Relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose, that, or an omitted relative pronoun.
  • Brackets, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis.
  • The difference between vocabulary typical of informal speech and vocabulary appropriate for formal speech and writing (eg, find out – discover;ask for – request; go in – enter).
  • How words are related by meaning as synonyms and antonyms (e.g., big, large, little).
  • Use of the passive to affect the presentation of information in a sentence (eg, I broke the window in the greenhouse versus The window in the greenhouse was broken [by me]).
  • The difference between structures typical of informal speech and structure appropriate for formal speech and writing (such as the use of question tags, e.g., He’s your friend, isn’t he? or the use of subjunctive forms such as If I were or were they to come in some very formal writing and speech).
  • Linking ideas across paragraphs using a wider range of cohesive devices: repetition of a word or phrase, grammatical connections (eg, the use ofadverbials such as on the other hand, in contrast, or as a consequence), and ellipsis.Layout devices, such as headings, sub-headings, columns, bullets, or tables, to structure text.
  • Use of the semi-colon, colon and dash to mark the boundary between independent clauses (eg, It’s raining; I’m fed up).
  • Use of the colon to introduce a list.
  • Punctuation of statements to list information.
  • How hyphens can be used to avoid ambiguity (eg, man eating shark versus man- eating shark, or recover versus re-cover).
  • Use and understand the grammatical terminology in English Appendix 2 (Year 6) accurately and appropriately when discussing their writing and reading (subject, object, active, passive, synonym, antonym, ellipsis, hyphen, colon, semi-colon, bullet points).


Recording of lessons takes place in English books across all year groups. This is marked in line with the school’s marking policy.


Written work is assessed against National Curriculum objectives for each year group and is
recorded on Somerset Literacy Network assessment grids. Each term for years 2-6, a NFER formative test is carried out for SPaG. Teachers use these tests to ensure children have secure knowledge and to identify any gaps in learning or misconceptions to be addressed.


On our annual reports, which are given to parents at the end of the year, a judgement will bemade regarding their child’s attainment in English (Writing) relating to the national curriculum for their year group. For example, WT (working towards national standard for age), WA (working at national age-related standards), GD (working at greater depth for age).


The Curriculum leader works alongside teachers to ensure curriculum coverage and to
moderate judgements. Evidence in books, learning walks, speaking to pupils about their
learning and discussing with colleagues what has gone well as well as any lessons learnt will all help to form picture of the progression of individual children in English. Where relevant the implementation of school polices (such as marking) will be reviewed to ensure the workload for English is both manageable and is making an impact on the children’s learning.

English Texts Rolling Program 2024-2025

Class 1 Talk for writing

2021/22 Autumn (Heroes) Spring (Footprints in Time - Great Fire) Summer (Local Study)
Fiction The Enormous Turnip
(Cumulative Tale)
The Elves and the Shoemaker
(Rags to Riches)
Little Red Hen
(Cumulative tale)
Gingerbread Man
Magic Porridge Pot
(Rags to riches)
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt (Journey)
Focus Sequencing sentences Character description Powerful verbs
Question marks
Interesting adjectives Similes
Non-fiction Diary Info texts ‘Wanted’ texts Discussion:
Was the little red hen right not to share her bread?
Instructions Recount Non-chron report:
Animals around Curry Mallet
Focus Capital letter for I Types of sentence Simple connectives Imperative verbs Precise, clear language to give information Adjectives to describe
Poetry Performance Poetry
1st Week in September
Pattern & Rhyme London’s Burning Traditional poems

Class 1 Talk for writing

2022/23 Autumn (Explorers) Spring (inventors and Inventions) Summer (Environment/Farming)
Fiction Three Billy Goats Gruff
(Cumulative Tale)
Whatever Next?
Three Little Pigs
(Defeat the monster)
Owl Babies
(Losing Tale)
Hungry Caterpillar
Chicken Licken
(fairy tale)
Focus Sequencing sentences Connectives Interesting adjectives Prepositions Adjectives Rhyme
Non-fiction Instructions –
how to trap a wolf
Persuasion Information text
Wanted poster
Non-chron report Diary Information Text
Focus Simple connectives Understanding parts of a story Types of sentences Text structure Adjectives Speech bubbles
Poetry Poems for pleasure
Recite by heart
Pattern & Rhyme Traditional poems

Class 2 Talk for writing

2021/22 (Y2,3,4) Autumn Spring Summer
Fiction Three Little Pigs St George and the Dragon Adventure at Sandy Cove Why Bats Sleep at
The Door in the
The Canal
Focus Punctuation Language Sentences Construction Punctuation Language Sentence construction
Subordinate clauses
Non-fiction Instructions How to build… Non-Chron Report Dragons Newspaper Report Explanation
Why do bats sleep upside down?
Diary Entering the portal Recount
Focus Text Structure Imperative verbs Text structure description Text structure
Complex sentences Use of ‘who’ relative clause
Text Structure Expanded noun phrases Text Structure
Adverb starters to add detail
Text Structure Punctuation
Poetry Performance poetry Riddles and Limericks Traditional poetry

Class 2 Talk for writing

2022/23 (Year 2,3) Autumn Spring Summer
Fiction The Magic Paintbrush Alien invasion Little Red Riding Hood Kassim and the Greedy Dragon The Great Kapok Tree The Papaya that Spoke
Focus Punctuation Language Vary length of sentence Sentence Construction Description Punctuation Adverbial phrases Language
Powerful verbs, interesting adjectives
Sentence Construction
Non-fiction Persuasion Letter Newspaper report Instructions
How to tap a wolf
Joining Roman Army
Information Text on rainforests Non-Chron Report Fruits of the World
Focus Text Structure
Text Structure
Relative clauses
Bullet points Text Structure Text Structure
List of 3
Text Structure
Performance poetry Owl and the
Riddles and Limericks Traditional poetry


Class 2 2023/24 Autumn Spring Summer
Fiction Sally and the Limpet Jack and the Beanstalk Nail Soup Monkey see monkey do Midas Mystery of the Hare and the Moon
Focus Punctuation Language Sentence
Punctuation Language Sentence Construction
Non-fiction Persuasion Letter
… protect the environment.
Non Chron Report The Giant Instructions
How to make soup
Explanation text Diary Newspaper Report
Focus Text Structure Text Structure Text Structure Text Structure Text Structure Text Structure
Poetry Performance poetry 1st week in September Kennings & Haiku Traditional poetry

Class 3 UKS2 Using real texts to stimulate narrative and non-fiction writing.

2021/22 (Y5,6) Autumn Spring Summer
Focus text Street Child –
Berlie Doherty
Rainplayer –
David Wisniewski
Holes –
Louis Sacher
Twitch (year6)
Non-fiction Biography Reports Instructions Newspaper reports Notetaking Persuasive & leaflet writing
Poetry Written from Newmarket Union James Reynolds Withers Free verse poetry Traditional Poetry

Class 3

2022/23 (Y4,5,6) Autumn Spring Summer
Focus text The Geat:
The Legend of Beowulf – John Harris
Freedom Boy: a Tale of Hope and Courage–Jerdine Nolen Windrush child Benjamin Zephaniah Floodland- Marcus Sedgwick Transition text TBC
Non-fiction Newspaper report
Informal letter writing Explanations Diary writing Persuasion
Formal letter writing
Debate & discussion
Poetry Performance Poetry Traditional poetry

Class 3

2023/24 Autumn Spring Summer
Fiction Stormbreaker- Anthony Horowitz
Secrets of a Sun King – Emma Carroll
The Wind in the Wall
Sally Gardner & Rovina Cai
Stay where you are and then leave- John Boyne Treason Berlie Doherty Journey to the River Sea – Eva Ibbotson Transition text TBC
Non-fiction Non- chronological reports Explanation Biography Letter Newspaper report Debate & discussion
Poetry Performance Poetry Highway man Narrative poems Traditional poetry

 3 - 5 yrs (Foundation)

Text Structure Sentence Construction Word Structure / Language Punctuation* Terminology*
Planning Tool –Story map /story mountain
Whole class retelling of story Understanding of beginning/ middle
/ end

Retell simple 5-part story:
Once upon a time First / Then / Next But
Finally,…..happily ever after

Factual writing closely linked to a story
Simple factual sentences based around a theme
Names Labels Captions Lists Diagrams Message
Simple sentences

Simple Connectives:
and who until but

Say a sentence, write and read it back to check it makes sense.

Compound sentences using connectives (coordinating conjunctions)
and / but
-‘ly’ openers
Luckily / Unfortunately,

‘Run’ - Repetition for rhythm: e.g.
He walked and he walked Repetition in description e.g. a lean cat, a mean cat
Introduce: Determiners the
a my your an this that his her their
some all
up down in into out to onto
Adjectives e.g. old, little, big, small, quiet
Adverbs e.g. luckily, unfortunately, fortunately Similes – using ‘like’
Finger spaces Full stops Capital letters

Finger spaces Letter
Word Sentence Full stops Capital letter Simile – ‘like’


 5 - 6 yrs (Year 1)

Text Structure Sentence Construction Word Structure/Language Punctuation Terminology
Consolidate Reception list
Consolidate Reception list
(See Connectives and Sentence Signposts doc.)
Types of sentences: Statements Questions Exclamations

Simple Connectives:
and or but so
because so that then that while when where
Also as openers:
While… When… Where…
-‘ly’ openers Fortunately,…Unfortunately, Sadly,…
Simple sentences e.g.
I went to the park. The castle is haunted.
Embellished simple sentences
Consolidate Reception list Consolidate Reception list Consolidate:


Planning Tools: Story map / story mountain
(Refer to Story-Type grids)
Introduce: Prepositions: inside outside towards across
Introduce: Capital Letters: Capital letter for names

Capital letter for the personal pronoun I
Finger spaces
Letter Word Sentence
Plan opening around character(s), setting, time of day and type of weather

Understanding - beginning /middle
/end to a story
Understanding - 5 parts to a story:

Once upon a time…

One day…
the a my your an this that his her their some all lots of many more those these

Adjectives to describe
e.g. The old house…
The huge elephant…

e.g. dangerous dragon slimy snake
Full stops Question marks Exclamation marks Speech bubble Bullet points Full stops Capital letter Simile – ‘like’
Introduce: Punctuation Question mark
Exclamation mark
Problem / Dilemma
Suddenly,../ Unfortunately,…
Similes using as….as…
e.g. as tall as a house as red as a radish
Speech bubble
Bullet points
Precise, clear language to give information e.g.
First, switch on the red
Singular/ plural
using adjectives e.g.
The giant had an enormous beard. Red squirrels enjoy eating delicious nuts.
Next, wait for the green light to flash...

Non-fiction: Connective
Planning tools:
text map / washing line
Heading Introduction
Opening factual statement

Middle section(s)
Simple factual sentences around a

Bullet points for instructions Labelled diagrams
Concluding sentence
Compound sentences using connectives (coordinating conjunctions)
and/or/ but/so e.g.
The children played on the swings
and slid down the slide.
Spiders can be small or they can be large.
Charlie hid but Sally found him.
It was raining so they put on their coats.

Complex sentences:
Use of ‘who’ (relative clause)
Once upon a time there was a little old woman who lived in a forest.
There are many children who like to eat ice cream.
Regular plural noun suffixes –s or –es (e.g. dog, dogs; wish, wishes)

Suffixes that can be added to verbs (e.g. helping, helped, helper)

How the prefix un– changes the meaning of verbs and adjectives (negation, e.g. unkind, or undoing, e.g. untie the boat)
Alliteration Simile – ‘as’
‘Run’ - Repetition for rhythm e.g. He walked and he walked and he walked.
Repetition for description
a lean cat, a mean cat
a green dragon, a fiery dragon

6 - 7 Yrs (Year 2)

Text Structure Sentence Construction Word Structure/Language Punctuation Terminology
Consolidate Year 1 list Introduce:
Consolidate Year 1 list Introduce:
(See Connectives and Sentence Signposts doc.)

Types of sentences: Statements Questions Exclamations Commands

-‘ly’ starters
e.g. Usually, Eventually, Finally, Carefully, Slowly, …

Vary openers to sentences

Embellished simple sentences using: adjectives e.g. The boys peeped inside the dark cave.
adverbs e.g. Tom ran quickly down the hill.

Secure use of compound sentences (Coordination) using connectives: and/ or / but / so
(coordinating conjunctions)

Complex sentences (Subordination) using:
Drop in a relative clause: who/which e.g.
Consolidate Year 1 list Introduce:

behind above along before between after

e.g. wicked witch slimy slugs

Similes using…like…
… like sizzling sausages
…hot like a fire

Two adjectives to describe the noun e.g.
The scary, old woman… Squirrels have long, bushy tails.

Adverbs for description
Snow fell gently and covered the cottage in the wood.

Adverbs for information
Lift the pot carefully onto
Consolidate Year 1 list

Finger spaces




Full stops

Capital letter

Question mark

Exclamation mark

Speech bubble

Bullet points

Singular/ plural

Adjective Verb Connective Alliteration
Simile – ‘as’/ ‘like’


Apostrophe (contractions and singular possession)
Secure use of planning tools: Story map
/ story mountain / story grids/ ’Boxing- up’ grid
(Refer to Story Types grids)
Demarcate sentences: Capital letters
Full stops
Plan opening around character(s), setting, time of day and type of weather Question marks
Understanding 5 parts to a story with more complex vocabulary Exclamation marks
Opening e.g.
In a land far away….
One cold but bright morning…..
Build-up e.g.
Later that day
Problem / Dilemma e.g. To his amazement Resolution e.g.
As soon as
Ending e.g.
Luckily, Fortunately,
Commas to separate items in a list

Comma after –ly opener
e.g. Fortunately,….Slow ly,….

Speech bubbles
/speech marks for direct speech
Ending should be a section rather than one final sentence e.g. suggest how the main character is feeling in the final situation. Apostrophes to mark contracted forms in spelling
e.g. don’t, can’t
Non-Fiction Introduce:
Secure use of planning tools: Text map / washing line / ‘Boxing –up’ grid Introduction:
Hook to engage reader Factual statement / definition Opening question
Sam, who was lost, sat down and cried.

The Vikings, who came from Scandinavia, invaded Scotland.

The Fire of London, which started in Pudding Lane, spread quickly.

Additional subordinating conjunctions: what/while/when/where/ because/ then/so that/ if/to/until
e.g. While the animals were munching breakfast, two visitors arrived
During the Autumn, when the weather is cold, the leaves fall off the trees.

Use long and short sentences:
Long sentences to add description or information. Use short sentences for emphasis.

Expanded noun phrases
e.g. lots of people, plenty of food

List of 3 for description
e.g. He wore old shoes, a dark cloak and a red hat.

African elephants have long trunks, curly tusks and large ears.
the tray.
The river quickly flooded the town.

Generalisers for information, e.g. Most dogs….
Some cats….

Formation of nouns using
suffixes such as –ness, –er

Formation of adjectives
Apostrophes to mark singular possession e.g. the cat’s name Commas for description

‘Speech marks’ Suffix
Verb / adverb

Statement question exclamation
Command (Bossy verbs)
Middle section(s)
Group related ideas / facts into sections Sub headings to introduce sentences
Use of lists – what is needed / lists of
steps to be taken Bullet points for facts Diagrams Ending
using suffixes such as –ful, –less

(A fuller list of suffixes can be found in the spelling appendix.)
Tense (past, present,
future) ie not in bold
Adjective / noun Noun phrases
Make final comment to reader
Extra tips! / Did-you-know? facts / True or false?
Use of the suffixes –er and –est to form comparisons of adjectives and adverbs Generalisers
The consistent use of present tense
versus past tense throughout texts
Use of the continuous form of verbs in the present and past tense to mark actions in progress (e.g. she is drumming, he was shouting)

7 - 8 yrs ( Year 3)

Text Structure Sentence Construction Word / Language Punctuation Terminology
Consolidate Year 2 list Introduce:

Secure use of planning tools:
Story map /story mountain / story grids / ‘Boxing-up’ grid
(Refer to Story-Type grids)

Plan opening around character(s), setting, time of day and type of weather

Paragraphs to organise ideas into each story part

Extended vocabulary to introduce 5 story parts:
Introduction –should include detailed description of setting or characters
Build-up –build in some suspense towards the problem or dilemma
Problem / Dilemma –include detail of actions / dialogue
Resolution - should link with the problem Ending – clear ending should link back to the start, show how the character is feeling, how the character or situation has changed from the beginning.
Consolidate Year 2 list Introduce:

Vary long and short sentences:
Long sentences to add description or information.
Short sentences for emphasis and making key points e.g.
Sam was really unhappy. Visit the farm now.

Embellished simple sentences: Adverb starters to add detail e.g.
Carefully, she crawled along the floor of the cave….
Amazingly, small insects can….
Adverbial phrases used as a ‘where’, ‘when’ or ‘how’ starter (fronted adverbials)
A few days ago, we discovered a hidden box.
At the back of the eye, is the retina.
In a strange way, he looked at me. Prepositional phrases to place the action: on the mat; behind the tree, in the air

Compound sentences (Coordination)
using connectives:
and/ or / but / so / for /nor / yet
(coordinating conjunctions)

Develop complex sentences (Subordination) with range of
Consolidate Year 2 list
Introduce: Prepositions
Next to by the side of
In front of during through throughout because of

Powerful verbs
e.g. stare, tremble, slither

Boastful Language
e.g. magnificent, unbelievable, exciting!

More specific / technical vocabulary to add detail
A few dragons of this variety can breathe on any creature and turn it to stone immediately.
Consolidate Year 2 list

Colon before a list e.g. What you need:

Ellipses to keep the reader hanging on

Secure use of inverted commas for direct speech

Use of commas after fronted adverbials (e.g. Later that day, I heard the bad news.)

Finger spaces




Statement question exclamation Command

Full stops

Capital letter

Question mark

Exclamation mark

Speech bubble

‘Speech marks’

Bullet points

Apostrophe (contractions only)

Commas for sentence of 3 - description

Singular/ plural Suffix

Adjective / noun / Noun phrases Verb / adverb

Bossy verbs
Tense (past, present,

Secure use of planning tools:
e.g. Text map, washing line, ‘Boxing –up’ grid, story grids
Paragraphs to organise ideas around a theme
Develop hook to introduce and tempt reader in e.g.
Who….? What….? Where….? Why….? When….? How….? Middle Section(s)
Group related ideas /facts into paragraphs Sub headings to introduce sections / paragraphs
Topic sentences to introduce paragraphs Lists of steps to be taken
Bullet points for facts Flow diagram
Develop Ending Personal response Extra
information / reminders e.g. Information boxes/ Five Amazing Facts
Wow comment
Use of the perfect form of verbs to mark relationships of time and cause e.g. I have written it down so I can check what it said. Use of present perfect instead of simple past. He has left his hat behind, as opposed to He left his hat behind.
subordinating conjunctions
(See Connectives and Sentence Signposts doc.)
-‘ing’ clauses as starters e.g.
Sighing, the boy finished his homework. Grunting, the pig lay down to sleep.

Drop in a relative clause using: who/whom/which/whose/ that e.g.
The girl, whom I remember, had long black hair.
The boy, whose name is George, thinks he is very brave.
The Clifton Suspension bridge, which was finished in 1864,is a popular tourist attraction.

Sentence of 3 for description e.g.
The cottage was almost invisible, hiding under a thick layer of snow and glistening in the sunlight.
Rainbow dragons are covered with many different coloured scales, have enormous, red eyes and swim on the surface of the water.

Pattern of 3 for persuasion e.g.
Visit, Swim, Enjoy!

Topic sentences to introduce non-fiction paragraphs e.g.
Dragons are found across the world.
Dialogue –powerful speech verb
e.g. “Hello,” she whispered.
Drops of rain pounded on the corrugated, tin roof.

Nouns formed from
e.g. auto… super…anti…

Word Families based on common words
e.g. teacher –teach, beauty – beautiful

Use of determiners a or an according to whether next word begins with a vowel
e.g. a rock, an open box
future) Connective Generalisers

Simile – ‘as’/ ‘like’

Word family




Direct speech

Inverted commas




Subordinate clause



Relative clause

Relative pronoun


Colon for instructions

Subordinating conjunction

8 - 9 Yrs (Year 4)

Text Structure Sentence Construction Word Structure/ Language Punctuation Terminology
Consolidate Year 3 list
Secure use of planning tools:
e.g. story map /story mountain
/story grids /’Boxing-up’ grids (Refer to Story Types grids)

Plan opening using:
Description /action

to organise each part of story to indicate a change in place or jump in time
Build in suspense writing to introduce the dilemma
Developed 5 parts to story Introduction
Problem / Dilemma Resolution Ending
Clear distinction between resolution and ending. Ending should include reflection on events or the characters.
Consolidate Year 3 list

Standard English for verb inflections instead of local spoken forms

Long and short sentences:
Long sentences to enhance description or information

Short sentences to move events on quickly
e.g. It was midnight. It’s great fun.

Start with a simile
e.g. As curved as a ball, the moon shone brightly in the night sky.
Like a wailing cat, the ambulance screamed down the road.

Secure use of simple / embellished simple sentences

Secure use of compound sentences (Coordination) using coordinating conjunction and / or / but / so / for / nor / yet (coordinating conjunctions)
Develop complex sentences: (Subordination)
Main and subordinate clauses with range of subordinating conjunctions.
Consolidate Year 3 list
Introduce: Prepositions at underneath since towards
beneath beyond

Conditionals - could, should, would

Comparative and superlative adjectives
e.g. small…smaller…sm allest good…better…best

Proper nouns- refers to a particular person or thing
e.g. Monday, Jessica, October, England

The grammatical difference
Consolidate Year 3 list

Introduce: Commas to mark clauses and to mark off fronted adverbials

Full punctuation for direct speech:
Each new speaker on a new line Comma between direct speech and reporting clause e.g. “It’s late,” gasped Cinderella!

Apostrophes to mark singular and plural possession (e.g. the girl’s name, the boys’ boots) as opposed to s to mark a plural

Finger spaces




Statement question exclamation Command

Full stops

Capital letter

Question mark

Exclamation mark

Speech bubble

‘Speech marks’

Direct speech

Inverted commas

Bullet points

Apostrophe (contractions only)

Commas for sentence of 3 – description, action

Colon - instructions

Singular/ plural Suffix/ Prefix Word family Consonant/Vowel

Secure use of planning tools: Text map/ washing line/ ‘Boxing –up’ grid

Paragraphs to organise ideas around a theme
Logical organisation Group related paragraphs
Develop use of a topic sentence Link information within paragraphs with a range of connectives.
Use of bullet points, diagrams
Introduction Middle section(s) Ending
Ending could Include personal opinion, response, extra information, reminders, question, warning, encouragement to the reader
Appropriate choice of pronoun or noun across sentences to aid cohesion
(See Connectives and Sentence Signposts doc.) Consolidate understanding of fronted adverbials (see adverb starters, Year 3, plus ed- ing-ly below)
-‘ed’ clauses as starters e.g.
Frightened, Tom ran straight home to avoid being caught.
Exhausted, the Roman soldier collapsed at his post.
Expanded -‘ing’ clauses as starters e.g. Grinning menacingly, he slipped the treasure into his rucksack.
Hopping speedily towards the pool, the frog dived underneath the leaves.
-‘ly’ phrases as starters e.g.
Unfortunately, no chocolate biscuits remained.
Drop in –‘ing’ clause e.g.
Jane, laughing at the teacher, fell off her chair. The tornedo, sweeping across the city, destroyed the houses.

Sentence of 3 for action e.g.
Sam rushed down the road, jumped on the bus and sank into his seat.
The Romans enjoyed food, loved marching but hated the weather.

Repetition to persuade e.g.
Find us to find the fun

Dialogue - verb + adverb - “Hello,” she whispered, shyly.

Appropriate choice of pronoun or noun within a
sentence to avoid ambiguity and repetition
between plural
and possessive –s

Standard English forms for verb inflections instead of local spoken forms (e.g. we were instead of we was, or I did instead of I done)

Adjective / noun / noun phrase Verb / Adverb Bossy verbs - imperative
Tense (past, present, future)
Connective Conjunction Preposition
Determiner/ generaliser
Clause Subordinate clause Relative clause Relative pronoun

Simile – ‘as’/ ‘like’ Synonyms



Possessive pronoun


Fronted adverbial

Apostrophe – plural possession

Yea 9 - 10 

Text Structure Sentence Construction Word Structure / Language Punctuation Terminology
Consolidate Year 4 list

Secure independent use of planning tools
Story mountain /grids/flow diagrams
(Refer to Story Types grids)

Plan opening using:
Description /action/dialogue

Paragraphs: Vary
connectives within paragraphs to build cohesion into a paragraph
Use change of place, time and action to link ideas across paragraphs.

Use 5 part story structure Writing could start at any of the 5 points.
This may include flashbacks
Introduction –should include action
/ description -character or setting / dialogue
Build-up –develop suspense techniques
Problem / Dilemma –may be more than one problem to be resolved Resolution –clear links with dilemma Ending –character could reflect on events, any changes or lessons, look
Consolidate Year 4 list Introduce:
Relative clauses beginning with who, which, that, where, when, whose or an omitted relative pronoun.

Secure use of simple / embellished simple sentences

Secure use of compound sentences

Develop complex sentences: (Subordination)
Main and subordinate clauses with full range of conjunctions: (See Connectives and Sentence Signposts doc.)

Expanded –ed clauses as starters e.g.
Encouraged by the bright weather, Jane set out for a long walk.
Terrified by the dragon, George fell to his knees.

Elaboration of starters using adverbial phrases e.g.
Beyond the dark gloom of the
Consolidate Year 4 list Introduce:
Metaphor Personification Onomatopoeia
Empty words
e.g. someone, somewhere was out to get him

Developed use of
technical language

Converting nouns or adjectives into verbs using suffixes (e.g. – ate; –ise; –ify)

Verb prefixes (e.g. dis–, de–, mis–, over– and re–)
Consolidate Year 4 list Introduce:
Rhetorical question Dashes
Brackets/dashes/commas for parenthesis


Use of commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity

Letter/ Word


Statement question exclamation Command

Full stops/ Capitals

Question mark

Exclamation mark

‘Speech marks’

Direct speech

Inverted commas

Bullet points

Apostrophe contractions/ possession

Commas for sentence of 3 – description, action

Colon – instructions

Parenthesis / bracket / dash

Singular/ plural Suffix/ Prefix Word family Consonant/Vowel

Adjective / noun / noun phrase
forward to the future ask a question.


Independent planning across all genres and application
Secure use of range of layouts suitable to text.
Introduction / Middle / Ending
Secure use of paragraphs:
Use a variety of ways to open texts and draw reader in and make the purpose clear

Link ideas within and across paragraphs using a full range of connectives and signposts Use rhetorical questions to draw reader in
Express own opinions clearly Consistently maintain viewpoint
Summary clear at the end to appeal directly to the reader
cave, Zach saw the wizard move. Throughout the night, the wind howled like an injured creature.

Drop in –‘ed’ clause e.g.
Poor Tim, exhausted by so much effort, ran home.
The lesser known Bristol dragon, recognised by purple spots, is rarely seen.

Sentence reshaping techniques
e.g. lengthening or shortening sentence for meaning and /or effect

Moving sentence chunks (how, when, where) around for different effects e.g.
The siren echoed loudly
….through the lonely streets ….at midnight
Use of rhetorical questions Stage directions in speech
(speech + verb + action) e.g. “Stop!” he shouted, picking up the stick and running after the thief.

Indicating degrees of possibility using modal verbs (e.g. might, should, will, must) or adverbs (perhaps, surely)

Verb / Adverb
Bossy verbs - imperative Tense (past, present, future) Conjunction / Connective Preposition
Determiner/ generaliser Pronoun – relative/ possessive Clause
Subordinate/ relative clause Adverbial
Fronted adverbial

Simile – ‘as’/ ‘like’ Synonyms


Relative clause/ pronoun

Modal verb


Bracket- dash







Rhetorical question


 Year 10 - 11 

Text Structure Sentence Construction Word Structure / Language Punctuation Terminology
Consolidate Year 5 list
Consolidate Year 5 list

Secure use of simple / embellished simple sentences

Secure use of compound sentences

Secure use of complex sentences: (Subordination)
Main and subordinate clauses with full range of conjunctions:

Active and passive verbs to create effect and to affect presentation of information e.g.
Active: Tom accidently dropped the glass.
Passive: The glass was accidently dropped by Tom. Active: The class heated the water.
Passive: The water was heated.

Developed use of rhetorical questions for persuasion
Consolidate Year 5 list Consolidate Year 5 list Consolidate:
Secure independent planning across story types using 5 part story structure.
Include suspense, cliff hangers, flashbacks/forwards,
time slips
Start story at any point of the 5 part structure
Maintain plot consistently working from plan

Paragraphs -Secure use of linking ideas within and across paragraphs

Secure development of characterisation


Secure planning across non- fiction genres and application
Build in literary feature to create effects e.g. alliteration, onomatopoeia, similes, metaphors

The difference between vocabulary typical of informal speech and vocabulary appropriate for formal speech and writing (e.g. said versus reported, alleged, or claimed in formal speech or writing)

How words are related as synonyms and antonyms e.g. big/ large / little
Use of the semi-colon, colon and dash to indicate a stronger subdivision of a sentence than a comma.
Use of colon to introduce a list and semi-colons within lists.

Punctuation of bullet points to list information.

How hyphens can be used to avoid ambiguity (e.g. man eating shark versus man-eating shark, or recover versus re-cover)
Letter/ Word


Statement question exclamation Command

Full stops/ Capitals

Question mark

Exclamation mark

‘Speech marks’

Direct speech

Inverted commas

Bullet points

Apostrophe contractions/ possession

Commas for sentence of 3 – description, action, views/opinions, facts

Colon – instructions


Bracket- dash
Use a variety of text layouts appropriate to purpose

Use range of techniques to involve the reader –comments,
Singular/ plural Suffix/ Prefix Word family Consonant/Vowel
questions, observations, Adjective / noun / noun phrase
rhetorical questions
Express balanced coverage of a topic

Use different techniques to conclude texts

Use appropriate formal and informal styles of writing
Choose or create publishing format to enhance text type and engage the reader

Linking ideas across paragraphs using a wider range of cohesive devices:
semantic cohesion (e.g. repetition of a word or phrase), grammatical connections (e.g. the use of adverbials such as on the other hand, in contrast, or as a consequence), and elision Layout devices, such as headings, sub-headings, columns, bullets, or tables, to structure text
Expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely (e.g. the boy that jumped over the fence is over there, or the fact that it was raining meant the end of sports day)

The difference between structures typical of informal speech and structures appropriate for formal speech and writing (such as the use of question tags, e.g. He’s your friend, isn’t he?, or the use of the subjunctive in some very formal writing and speech) as in If I were you.
Verb / Adverb
Bossy verbs - imperative Tense (past, present, future) modal verb
Conjunction / Connective
Preposition Determiner/ generaliser
Pronoun – relative/ possessive Clause
Subordinate / relative clause Adverbial
Fronted adverbial
Rhetorical question

Cohesion Ambiguity Alliteration
Simile – ‘as’/ ‘like’ Synonyms Metaphor Personification Onomatopoeia Introduce:
Active and passive voice

Subject and object


Synonym, antonym

Colon/ semi-colon

Bullet points



Tense: present and past progressive; present perfect; past perfect